You Eat Organic, So Why Are You Drinking Water Made In A Lab?

You treat your body like the temple that it is, making sure to eat organic, healthy, and natural foods as much as possible. So then why would you drink water that’s been processed, synthesized, and made in a lab?

Unfortunately, many consumers don’t know the difference. The reality is that all bottled waters were not created equal. Artificial alkaline water is the junk food of the water world.

Artificial, or “fake”, alkaline water is created in a lab to mimic the alkaline pH that is found naturally in nature. Lab-made alkaline waters might register a high pH (some touting a pH as high as 10), however most of these waters are devoid of the minerals and electrolytes that actually make alkaline water so good for you.

Naturally Alkaline Water

In nature, the alkalinity or pH of water is determined by how many and what kinds of minerals and electrolytes are present in the water. By percolating through thousands and thousands of feet of volcanic rock, for instance, water picks up these naturally occurring minerals and electrolytes. See more on how volcanic filtration works here.

This percolation process is where the magic happens. Now the water is chock-full of naturally occurring minerals and electrolytes including calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and even silica. The types of minerals you find in your naturally alkaline bottled water will vary too, as this depends on the region where it's sourced from. Waiakea, for example, is unique because it contains silica (thanks to Mother Nature’s natural volcanic rock filtration system). The great thing about naturally alkaline water is that the pH is stable, meaning that by the time you pick it off the shelf, it will still have its original pH.

In summary, it’s the naturally occurring alkaline minerals and electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and silica that cause the water to be naturally alkaline with a pH above 7. Without these alkaline minerals and electrolytes, water cannot be naturally alkaline and must be tricked into a higher pH, circumventing the real benefits of alkaline water.


Lab-Made Alkaline Water

Lab-made alkaline water gets its pH from a process called ionization or electrolysis. During electrolysis, water ionizers split apart water molecules with electricity to artificially create alkaline water. Tap water is run over platinum and titanium plates which causes the exchange of ions, giving it its alkaline pH. Because it lacks minerals, this pH is not stable and tends to decrease over time.

There are a few issues with lab-made alkaline water, namely that one is being sold the idea that an artificial pH water has health benefits beyond regular tap water. Multi-level marketing companies selling water alkalizers claim that high pH water can actually neutralizean acidic body. However, there is little research to substantiate this claim. For one, the real cause of excess acidity at the cellular level is a deficiency of, you guessed it….alkaline minerals.

So, in short - get your minerals, whether it's through organic fruits and vegetables, or naturally alkaline water, but don’t trick your body into thinking it’s replenishing its mineral reserves, because what good could come from that?

To learn more about the difference between artificial and naturally alkaline water, check out our article here.

Drink Healthy

Many of us go to great lengths to consume healthy, organic foods, but our efforts should not stop there. Studies show that most tap water contains trace amounts of pharmaceuticals, including hormones, contraceptives, blood thinners, and antidepressants (1). For this reason among others, consumers have turned to alternative sources of water, including alkaline bottled water.

If you’re going to drink bottled alkaline water, invest in a “living” water; one from a spring or natural water source that has its organic structure and natural pH. At the end of the day, a water with a high pH does not always equate to a healthful alkaline water.

Although the health benefits associated with drinking naturally alkaline water still require further research, the minerals, hydration, and detoxification effects can be profound. When purchasing alkaline water, check the label and look for either “naturally alkaline” or take a look at the mineral content measured in milligrams.

Example analysis of alkaline water
