Why Drink Water From Nature Instead of Processed Water?


First, it's important to understand that water from nature refers to water that is naturally sourced from sources such as springs, lakes, rivers, and deep wells, as opposed to water that is processed and treated in a water treatment facility. Water from nature may contain a variety of naturally occurring minerals and nutrients that can be beneficial for your health.

These beneficial minerals and nutrients are not often present in processed water, and if they are its in small amounts. For example, water from natural sources like springs may contain high levels of minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which are essential for maintaining overall health and wellness. Volcanic water, such as Waiākea, also contains naturally occurring silica, which according to PMID: 17435954 may have a very positive impact on Alzheimer's prevention. These minerals, especially silica, are not typically present in processed water, which has been stripped of many of its natural components during the treatment process. Water from nature is also often more environmentally sustainable than processed water. 

Water treatment facilities require a significant amount of energy to operate, and the chemicals used in the treatment process can have negative environmental impacts. Water from nature, on the other hand, is naturally sourced and does not require the same level of processing, making it a more sustainable option.

In summary, there are several reasons why water from nature may be considered better than processed water. It usually contains beneficial minerals and nutrients, and is generally more environmentally sustainable.
