Pump Aid: Donate Water

Pump Aid promotional poster with one of its pumps in the background

For every liter of Waiākea you buy, Waiākea donates 1 week's supply of clean water to those in need in Africa and throughout the world.

In 2012, 783 million people lacked access to clean water - that is almost 3 times the population of the United States alone. It is because of this that every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related illness.

Waiākea was founded to create positive change for not only the environment, but also for people in need throughout the world.

For every liter of Waiākea you buy, Waiākea donates 1 week's supply of clean water to those in need in Africa and throughout the world, through our incredible partner, PumpAid.org.

We realize not everyone is able to have access to clean, essential, drinking water. Our goal is to change that.

Waiākea’s charitable outreach is not limited to just Pump Aid and the world water crisis, however. Every week, Waiākea helps raise thousands of dollars for life changing charities with the hope of creating a better planet for all. These have included Blind Children's and Santa Monica Pedal On The Pier.
