5 Everyday Tips for Living Sustainably

Practicing sustainability is something all of us can do to contribute to protecting the environment we live in. Living sustainably doesn’t have to mean changing your whole lifestyle. Small everyday adjustments can make a big difference and we can all make an impact to protect the future for generations ahead.

woman with flowers and Waiākea

1. Reusable Bags

Believe it or not, some states in the U.S. have not banned single use plastic, and stores continue to supply single use plastic bags. Whether you’re in a state that supplies plastic bags or not, keeping a stash of reusable bags in your car is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint… plus, you won’t have to worry about forgetting your bags at home! Aloha Modern has great bag and pouch options

2. Shop Second Hand

A lot of fast fashion can be very tempting to purchase, especially if it’s on the cheaper end, but it won’t be worth it in the long run. Instead, start shopping sustainably. You can shop second hand, meaning purchase items that people are reselling, or you can search for clothing that is made sustainably. Waiākea has awesome t-shirts made from recycled plastic, for example! These simple shopping habits will make your bank happier (pricey items aren’t as pricey when you buy second hand), and won’t harm our planet as much as new, cheaply made clothing does.

3. Swap PET Water Bottles for rPET Bottles

Single use water bottles are quick and convenient, so if you’re using them, make sure you’re using an rPET bottle. If you’re unfamiliar, most of the free water bottles you’re using are made out of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a type of polyester fabric. It’s not good for the environment, and also expensive to make.  rPET is made out of recycled PET, so it is way more eco-friendly (think of it like a second chance for synthetic materials). A second chance toward reducing landfills, lowering PET’s carbon footprint, and making a sustainable choice for the planet. Try Waiākea’s here.

4. Reduce Meat Consumption

If you haven’t heard it before, the consumption of meat is greatly affecting our environment, and our carbon emissions are only going to increase if we don’t take action. This doesn’t mean that you should stop eating meat completely, but even reducing the amount of time you eat meat per week can make a difference. If reducing meat consumption is completely unrealistic for you, you can also opt for eating less red meat, or eating meat substitutes (Beyond Meat has great options).

5. Compost 

Rather than sending your organic waste to landfills where it can generate methane (a potent greenhouse gas), start creating soil out of it! In simple terms, this means you can recycle your organic materials (fruits and veggies scraps, for example). This will not only reduce emissions, but will also reduce the amount of space you’re taking up in your trash bin (it’s a win-win, really). Check out this article on how to start composting here.

Moral of the story:

Practicing sustainability doesn’t have to change your lifestyle. By starting with some of the tips listed above, you’re contributing towards making a difference everyday, and you should be proud of it!

